Friday, October 31, 2008

Thoughts On Recent Lessons

The past few lessons have been so packed full of information that it has been hard to register it all. I am not saying that is a bad thing though, I like it that way actually. I have learned a couple new tips and tricks about XHTML and CSS that I didn't know before. The thing that most interested me was the Z-axis orientation. I am not sure why I thought that was so cool but I will be the first to tell you that I would have saved a lot of time in previous classes assignments had I know that.
I was hoping to get more feedback about my site than I did, so anyone that gets bored please look at my mock-up from the lesson a couple weeks ago and let me know what you think.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Article Analysis I

The article that I decided to analyze was CSS Backgrounds and Borders, mostly because CSS is easily my favorite part about web design. The url is:
W3C CSS Backgrounds and Borders Article

The article is VERY informative, there's a lot to learn from it. It basically describes all of the new features, keywords, and properties of the CSS3 version of backgrounds and borders. This article tells you everything from how to make a picture your background, to positioning it, sizing it, giving it a color background, and deciding if and how you want to repeat the image. Detailed examples are shown for each chunk of information, which is split up pretty well.

The article is very well written, and I would imagine it should be since it is W3C's site. Any web designer could take a look at this article and find something that may be of use to them. Everyone could learn a thing or two more about CSS right?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lesson 6 Progress

We're pretty far into the semester now, by now in most classes that I have taken before we would have started on coding a while ago. It's kinda nice to focus on the design elements instead, that is what I needed the most help with anyways. I have been using the color design principles quite a bit since we talked about them. It's interesting when visiting other sites now because I break them down and analyze them, it's almost a curse!!